PRCDA is a public corporation created under Law Number 351 of September 2nd of 2000, as amended.

The Puerto Rico es una corporación pública creada bajo la Ley Núm. 351 de 2 de septiembre de 2000, según enmendada.

The District development is carried out through the joint efforts of government with the private sector.

The public sector established development parameters, carried out the planning of this new area of the city, obtained the necessary permits and provided the necessary basic infrastructure for each project.

The PRCDA occupies 154 acres in the heart of San Juan.  It was built in the land formerly occupied by the Miramar Naval Base. A new community with residential area, offices, shopping and entertainment establishments and facilities for civic or cultural activities.

LAW 351, as amended: Find here the complete document.



Develop and operate the Convention District to position Puerto Rico as a world class business, tourism and entertainment destination, with the purpose of promoting economic development.



The vigorous and sustainable economic growth of Puerto Rico through the industry of conventions, tourism, entertainment and urban redevelopment.




  • Efficiently manage the operations of the Puerto Rico Convention Center, Coliseo de Puerto
    Rico, Antiguo Casino and Bahía Urbana venues, ensuring the best experience for visiting groups and conventions.
  • Revitalize and maintain the Isla Grande area by developing the Convention District, according to the development plan.
  • Encourage the creation of new jobs and business opportunity.
  • Carry out the functions of the PRCDA in an agile and efficient way, using the principles of project management and acting as a facilitator in partnership with the private sector.