Request for Proposal AllAntiguo Casino de Puerto Rico Professional Services: Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer Pressure and Flow Study Professional Services: Potable Water and Sanitary Sewer Pressure and Flow Study Potable Water and Sanitary Executed Land Surveying Services REGLAMENTO PARA LA ADMINISTRACIÓN DEL FONDO PARA EL MEJORAMIENTO DEL DISTRITO DEL CENTRO DE CONVENCIONES REGLAMENTO PARA LA ADMINISTRACIÓN DEL FONDO PARA EL MEJORAMIENTO DEL DISTRITO DEL CENTRO DE CONVENCIONES RFP PRCDA NAMING RIGHTS RFP FOR PROFESSIONAL AUDITING SERVICES RFP No. CDBG-DR-IPG-PRCCDA-2023-01 – Project Management Services Notice of Award – RFI 2022-02 – Pier 10 Commercial lot in Old San Juan formerly known as: “The Arena at Pier 10” – Amendment No. 2 Notice of award – “the Kiosks” – RFI# 2022-01 Commercial space adjacent to the PR Convention Center (the Kiosks) – Amendment No. 1 Commercial lot in Old San Juan formerly known as: “The Arena at Pier 10” – Amendment No. 1 Commercial lot in Old San Juan formerly known as: “The Arena at Pier 10” Commercial space adjacent to the PR Convention Center (the Kiosks) REANUDACION DE PROCESO DE SOLICITUD DE PROPUESTAS DE SERVICIOS DE SEGURIDAD PARA EL DISTRITO DEL CENTRO DE CONVENCIONES DE PR, AÑO FISCAL 2020-2021 Solicitud de propuestas de servicios de seguridad para el Distrito del Centro de Convenciones de Puerto Rico, año fiscal 2020-2021 RFP 1904 – Ornamental Beam Replacement RFP 1904 – Ornamental Beam ReplacementAntiguo Casino de Puerto Rico